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Core Values

By Chevi Rubin In June, Lookstein Virtual Jewish Academy staff, a staff that has grown exponentially this year, came together as a group. Like our school, our workspace is virtual. We meet our teams regularly online and occasionally face-to-face, but an in-gathering...

21st Century Skills at NAJDSC

At the recent North American Jewish Day School Conference this past March, Chana German, Director of Lookstein Virtual Jewish Academy, and Liz Pape, online learning consultant, gave a session on how online learning can support 21st century teaching and learning in day...
Online to Recovery

Online to Recovery

May 23, 2014, Jerusalem Post, Metro Section By Shulamit Wasserstrom US Jewish schools, like many private educational institutions, are still reeling from the economic crisis in the United States that peaked in 2008. As a result of the challenging financial market,...